A Good Day to Stroll The Strand


Any day’s a good day to stroll The Strand in Galveston. While you’re there, join me and other Texas Authors this Saturday, 3/24, at the Galveston Island Book Festival from 9 am to 2 pm. #texasauthors #yalit @galvestonIBF @TexasAuthors http://ow.ly/Qqbz30j14jr http://ow.ly/4QvY30j1526

“Identity. Belonging. Significance.”

img_3207-1“Identity. Belonging. Significance. Lowly gives us a deep glance into the world of adolescence and bullying with grit and grace.” -Dr. JJ Jones
“Lowly” is on sale at Amazon! #effectsofbullying #yalit #yafiction #youngadult #bullying #teenfic http://ow.ly/5ZH230iR94L